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Monday, May 7, 2012


Here at Goebel Chiropractic we are always striving for ways to offer our patients and potential patients the highest quality of care. We would like to introduce Kelly, our newest team member, who will be heading up our fitness and nutrition department. Kelly is a graduate of  Saint Francis University in the field of Health and Exercise Science. Whether it is Corrective Exercise, Fitness Nutrition, or group exercise instruction, Kelly understands taking control of your health can be overwhelming. Her coaching makes it easy to understand and achieve your goals!  If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with Kelly, please call our office!

Each week Kelly will be answering fitness and nutrition questions. If you have any questions that you would like answered please call our office!

What is the best cure for a hangover?
Eggs-especially the yolk are full of antioxidants to help cleanse the liver.
Aspirin-reduces inflammation caused by drinking.
Coffee-is a stimulant which counteracts alcohol which is a depressant.
Sports drinks or coconut water-are high is electrolytes which will help replenish what your kidneys excreted during drinking. (which is dehydration!)

Do apples really keep the doctor away?
An apple a day may be the ultimate longevity MVP, loaded with fiber, antioxidants, folate,  vitamin E to fight Alzheimer's,and a flavanoid called quercetin that protects the brain against the oxidative stress of daily life.  Apples contain no fat, cholesterol or sodium, and as a good source of dietary fiber, they aid the body in digestion.  Researchers have also linked apples with improved lung capacity, reduced risk of heart disease and considerable antioxidant power.

What can I do nutritionally to raise my testosterone levels with diet or supplements?
-Some scientists believe that eating soy products such as soy milk, soybeans, and tofu may lower the level of testosterone in your body.  It raises estrogen rates which can throw off your body's balance or hormones.
-Zinc-80 mg daily.  Do not exceed this amount.  Helps boost testosterone levels.  Use zinc gluconate lozenges or optizinc for best absorption.
-Vitamin C with bioflavonoids-500 mg three times daily helps boost testosterone levels.
-Sarsaparilla (herb)-contains a testosterone-like substance for men.
-Eating healthy fats such as almonds, eggs and avocados.  Pumpkins seeds are rich in unsaturated fats and provide lots of nutrients that may help enhance your testosterone levels.

Is swimming the best way to lose weight?
Swimming is a great exercise because it works all the muscles in the body using resistance.  It can help you get stronger and healthier.  Plus swimming is an activity you can do at any age.  Any exercise and movement is a plus but one of the best ways to lose weight is to eating a healthy diet.  Start by adding a variety of lots of  colorful fruits and  vegetables.  Remember to eat the colors of the rainbow!

What is the best way to strengthen knees with lower back problems?
Knee strengthening exercises will challenge your thigh, hip and leg muscles to improve your strength and balance.  Building the support for your knee joint in this way will also improve your resistance to injury.  Some examples are straight leg raises,  bridging, knee extensions, heel raises and butt kicks.  Schedule a Corrective Exercise appointment with Kelly so you can learn the proper form.

I was told running is a great workout but that it is also damaging to the knees.  Is this true? And if so, what would you suggest as a workout?
There are many different factors that can determine knee issues from running.  Some of the factors are a person's weight, shoe selection, how someones lands on their feet, history of being fit and active or past injuries.  Come in for a free foot scan to see if you qualify for foot levelers.  Running is a cardiovascular workout which includes any moderate (or greater) effort physical activity with constant or frequent movement.  This could be a walk with the dog, swimming laps, playing tennis, dancing or a hike.  To intensify any physical activity, you could pick up the pace in bursts or intervals several times during your workout which will increase your exercise benefits. It is a matter or preference and what inspires you to move that is important!

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