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Monday, May 16, 2011


Want to drastically change your energy levels, mood, and overall health??? Here is a short and sweet tip!!!


FRESH- organic or local foods that are well washed

FIBER- the fruits and vegetables that you are going to strive to eat

FIRST- when you eat your fresh fiber

If you can make a commitment to eat some form of fresh raw and uncooked veggies and fruit at the beginning of each meal in your day. (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) you will notice a significant change by the weeks end! This is a very easy strategy for making a positive lifestyle change that can be implemented on a long term basis. The best part about Fresh Fiber First is you are not taking anything away! Keep eating what you are eating after you get your fresh fiber first!

When you start eating natural foods on a daily basis your body begins to crave it. If you had a choice on what foods your body craves wouldn't you rather it be natural foods?

Here are a few strategies that may help you in this transition period.

  • Make a mental commitment. Commit in your mind to try Fresh Fiber First for one whole week.
  • Don't get down on yourself or give up if you don't meet your goal. Instead celebrate and congratulate yourself every time you eat better! 
  • Pre-Plan. It can be tough to get fresh or organic foods when you are on the run. Pre-planning and packing your own lunch or knowing what is for dinner will help.

Try this simple plan of eating Fresh Fiber First. Your energy levels will shoot up. You will have less highs and lows throughout the day because of the continual energy you are feeding yourself. People stuck at a certain weight have shed another 5-10 lbs by using this strategy. Try it for a week and see the difference!!!!!

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