Chiropractic care is considered a holistic approach to medicine. Holistic means we're treating each person as a WHOLE, rather than just individual symptoms. In an age of technical and, at times, impersonal medicine, massage and chiropractic offer a drug free, non-invasive and humanistic approach based on the body's natural ability to heal itself. While chiropractic and massage therapy offer considerable benefits individually, they are better together!
Though most chiropractors address the muscles during treatment with physiotherapy and manual therapy techniques, massage is often the ideal adjunct to the chiropractor's treatment. Massage therapy is based upon the same premise of the body having the ability to self-heal and regulate. If the muscles of the body become imbalanced, for example. it can lead to a variety of problems. If muscles are shortened and tightened on one side of the body, the muscles on the opposite side may become overstretched, which can cause pain, weakened circulation, and other problems. But worse, this tightness may also pull the bones the muscles are attached to, sabotaging the work of the chiropractor to realign the body. A massage therapist can soften and stretch the muscle groups, relieving stress on the opposing muscle groups and strengthening weaker muscles, which complements the work of the chiropractor. In practice, we have found that a massage in conjunction with a chiropractic adjustment not only prepares the body better, but helps maintain the adjusts better.
- Enjoy faster recovery since multiple components of the pain/problem are being addressed. The recovery is usually more complete
- Increases circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs
- Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow, the body's natural defense system
- Relaxes and softens injured and overused muscles
- Reduces spasms and cramping
- Increases joint flexibility
- Reduces muscle adhesion
- Releases endorphins, amino acids that work as the body's natural painkiller
- Improves range of motion
- Relieves pain for migraine sufferers and decreases need for medication
- Provides exercise and stretching for atrophied muscles and reduces shortening of the muscles for those with restricted range of motion
- Assist with shorter and easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays
Massage extends the benefits of chiropractic care. Chiropractic Care extends the benefits of massage. The choice seems pretty simple. And now you know why you can feel guilt -free about getting that much-needed massage.