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Friday, December 3, 2010

Did you know???? Chiropratic Facts

-More than 20 million Americans will seek chiropractic care this year.

-Chiropractic has been around for more than 100 years!

-Chiropractic patients were 3 times more satisfied with their care than patients of family practice physicians.

-NFL and Olympic athletes include chiropractic care in their training.

-Chiropractic can help with asthma  http://www.chiro.org/research/ABSTRACTS/Manipulation_May_Benefit_Asthma.shtml

-Chiropractic can help with ADD/ADHD http://www.chiro.org/pediatrics/FULL/Chiropractors_Offer_Hope_and_Help.shtml

-Chiropractic can help with Autism http://www.chiro.org/research/ABSTRACTS/Autism_A_Chiropractic_Perspective.shtml

-Chiropractic can help with Colic http://www.chiro.org/research/ABSTRACTS/Comparison_of_the_Short-term_Effects.shtml

-Chiropractic can help with Chronic Ear infections http://www.dynamicchiropractic.com/mpacms/dc/article.php?id=43069

-Chiropractic can help with Pregnancy http://www.chiro.org/pediatrics/ABSTRACTS/Low_Back_Pain_of_Pregnancy.shtml

The list goes on and on. If you have a condition and wonder if chiropractic care can help you, CALL US!!!